British Film Institute
National agency for encouraging and conserving the arts of film and
television, Includes National Film and TV archive, Library, Sight &
Sound magazine and support for filmmakers
Sgrin National film organisation for Wales
Austrian Film Institute
Denmark Danish Film Institute
Finnish Film Archive
Finnish Film Foundation
France Bibliotheque du Film (BIFI)
France National Cinema Centre
German Film Institute
German Federal Film Board
Iceland Icelandic Film Fund
Ireland Irish Film Board
Italy Cineteca Italiana
Norway Norwegian Film Institute
OTP Netherlands' indepndent producers organisation - available soon
Map of regional agencies
Screen East For anglian filming.
EM- Media Nottingham based agency
Northern Film & Media New Agency for northeast based filmmakers
North West Vision Liverpool based agency
Screen South Kent based agency
South West Screen Bristol based
Screen West Midlands Birmingham based
Bath Film office
British Film Commission Info on British locations,
serrvices, facilities and personnel. Also produces 'Check Book', a
printed resource for film production in the UK
Central England Screen Commission
Edinburgh Film Focus
Film Dundee
Film Link Based in Leavesden
Glasgow Film Office
London Film Commisssion Locations info and support for filming in London
Northern Ireland Film & Television Commission
Northern Screen commission Links to other commissions
Scottish Highlands & Islands Film Commission
Wales Screen- Mid Office
Wales Screen- North Office
Wales Screen- South Office
Yorkshire Screen commission
Austrian film Commission Export and promotion agency
Film Selection Commission, Brussels
Finland AVEK
Germany FFA Major funding organisation
City of New York Film Commission
BAFTA Centre Festival
Belfast Film Festival
Bite the Mango Film Festival Bradford National Museum of Photography Festival
Britfilms Directories of British films and international film and video festivals
Birmingham International Film & TV Festival
Bristol Wildscreen
Celtic Film & Television Festival
Chichester Film Festival
Cinemagic International Festival for Young People
Cornerhouse Manchester Based Indie
Edinburgh International Film Festival
Foyle Film Festival
French Film Festival Edinburgh Based Festival
Guardian Edinburgh International Television Festival
International Advertising Film Festival
International Festival of Fantastic Films
Italian Film Festival
Kinofilm 2002 Manchester short film festival
Latin american Film Festival London based festival
Leeds International Film Festival
London Film Festival
London, The Production show
London Screenings pre-MIFED buyers / sellers market & screenings info
London, Mediacast
Raindance Indie film festival and training
Sheffield International Documentary Festival
Soho Shorts Rushes Shorts Film Festival
Ales Itinerant Festival Devotes retrospectives to the theme of wandering.
Belgium International Festival of Fantasy Thriller & Sci-fi films
Bergen International Film Festival Norway
Black Nights Film Festival Estonia, Special sections for children, student and animation.
British Film Festival Dinard, Exclusive French festival for essentially British films.
Brussels International Film Festival Dedicated to commercially supporting films.
Cannes Film FestivalCannes, MIPCOM
Cannes. MIPTV
Cinenygma Luxembourg Focus on sci-fi, fantasy and thriller films
Cork film festival Oldest irish film event.
Dubrovnik Film & Tv Festival Denmark
Flanders International Film Festival Belgium's most prominent festival, in Ghent.
Fribourg International Promotes Asian, Latin american and African films.
Giffoni Film Festival Italy, Intimate Italian festival
Infinity Film Festival Turin, For spiritually searching films
Junior Cine Festival Arcuiel, France, Shows films suitable for young audiences.
Karlovy Vary Film Servis Festival Czech film festival, Prague
Locarno International Switzerland, Promotes personal artistic films
International Broadcast Convention
Neuchatel International Fantasy Festival Switzerland, Fantasy & sci-fi cinema
Oldenburg International film Festival Devoted to independent cinema
Premiers Plans Festival Paris, European festival of films school product.
Rotterdam International Money prizes for first and second features, third world cinema, Cinemart and Exploding cinema.
Sarajevo Film Festival
Stockholm International Focus on young and innovative films
Thessaloniki Film Festival Greek film festival, competition for first or second features.
Tromso International Film Festival Norway
Turin Film Festival For films reflecting aspects of youth culture.
Venice film Festival World renowned festival
Warsaw International Poland, Key East European market
World Festival of animated Films Zagreb
American Film Institute Festival
Atlantic film festival Nine days in Nova Scotia
BANFF Canada
Bermuda International Film Festival Offers a sound business and legal infrastructure.
Brazil Festival do Rio Br Rio de Janeiro Film Festival
Cartagena Film Festival Mainly Latin american films.
Cinemania film Festival Dedicated to french language films
Fort Lauderdale International USA
Gramado International Film Festival
Hamptons International Mainly US Indies, prizes include the Golden starfish
Hot Docs Canadian International Documentary Festival
Jerusalem International Film Festival Prizes for Israeli cinema, human rights, Jewish themes, new directors.
Melbourne International film Festival
Montreal Film Festival Category A film festival, friendly atmosphere.
New Cinema Festival Canada, Dedicated to new film and media
New Orleans NATPE
Ottawa International Animation Festival
Palm springs International USA, emphasis on international films
Panafrican Film and TV Festival Ouagadougou Competitive festival for African films and filmmakers
Sao Paulo International Film Festival
Sundance Film Festival
Sydney Film festival
Telluride Film Festival USA, Celebrating cinema
Toronto International Film Festival
Vancouver International Film Festival Expected audience of 14000 see 300 films.
Washington International Film Festival Finest international cinema.
Film Festivals Comprehensive on-line dB for over 200 festivals worldwide
British Council
International cultural network with offices in over 100 countries.
Advice and support for British filmmakers, particularly with film
MEDIA Plus programme Information on European funding, production, festivals, markets, grants and training
Arts Council of England Suppport for film and video work by artists. For Lottery funding for film, see 'Film Council'
Department for Culture, Media and Sport - responsible for Government
policy on film, relations with the film industry and Govenrment Funding
Film Council Information and application forms for Film Council / Lottery funding and information on all low-budget funding in the UK
Iceland Icelandic Film Fund
London Arts Board Public sector funding and support for arts related projects and businesses in London
London Film & Video Development Agency Regional development and funding body for filmmakers in London
MEDIA Plus programme Information on European funding, production, festivals, markets, grants and training
The Real Deal Channel Four's Real Deal website is theplace
where people with great ideas can find out how to stand on their own
two business feet.
Scottish Screen National film organisation for Scotland
Urban East End Regeneration funding scheme TRAINING
Arista Development Development skills workshops for UK/Euro film/TV Professionals.
Film Education Development of Film and Media studies in schools and colleges
FT2 Film and Television Freelance Training
Global Film School Internet training and film school from NFTS (UK), UCLA (USA) and AFTR (Australia)
Media Lex Legal and Business training for filmmakers
MEDIA Plus programme Information on European funding, production, festivals, markets, grants and training
NFTS National Film and Television School
Skillset The national training organisation for broadcast, film, video and multimedia
Short Courses Searchable database of BFI/ SkillSet supported film and media short courses
01zero-one Creative learning lab running courses for all abilities with facilities available for hire. INFORMATION ABOUT THE FILM INDUSTRY
4cine Useful interviews on different roles in film.
Association of British Science Writers
Screenplay Writing software and links to movie magic
Screenwriting US screenwriters resources
Screenwriters Store Publications and software for screenwriters and filmmakers with exclusive discounts for NPA members
Screenwriters Store Publications and software for screenwriters and filmmakers with exclusive discounts for NPA members
Screenwriters Workshop Membership organisation for writers
Script Factory Support organisation for Screenwriters
Shotmaster Storyboard software developed by John Badham
Writers Copyright Association Info on copyrighting, contracts etc
Writernet Information resource for screenwriters GOVERNMENT
Department of Culture, Media & Sport Qualifying criteria for British films, proof required for co-productions
Inland Revenue Enterprise Investment scheme Helps raise capital by providing tax reliefs for investors ORGANISATIONS
Membership organisaition to advance art and technique of film and
television, including events programmes, preview theatres, club
facilities and annual awards
UK trade organisation for workers in film, broadcasting and the arts.
The website includes Agreements and PACT / BECTU Rate Cards
BKSTS The Moving Image Society. Technical society for film, television and associated industries
British Film Office Los Angeles
Equity Actors website
First Film Foundation Support organisation for writers, directors and producers in feature film development and production
MEDIA Plus programme Information on European funding, production, festivals, markets, grants and training
UK Media Desk
UK Desk for the 5 year programme of the European Union to strengthen
the competitiveness of the European film, TV and new media industries.
NMPFT National Museum of Photgraphy, Film & Television
Short Film Bureau Distirbution and sales for UK short films GUILDS AND ASSOCIATIONS
ACVL Association of Cinema and Video Laboratories
AFMA American Film Marketing Association
Association of British Science Writers
Association of Film Commissioners International
British Film Designer Guild Ltd
Directors Guild of Great Britain Represents interests and concerns of directors in all media
EBU European Broadcasting Union
Film Distributors' Association
The FDA is the trade association representing theatrical film
distributors in the UK. Formerly named the society of Film Distributors.
The website provides an comprehensive guide to UK film distribution.
Guild of British Animation
Guild of British Camera Technicians www.gbct.com
Guild of International songwriters and Composers www.songwriters-guild.co.uk
Guild of Location Managers
Guild of Television cameramen
Production Guild of Great Britain
Writers Guild of Great Britain TUC affiliated trade organisation for writers in all media
Producers Alliance for Cinema and Television - Membership organisation
for the feature film and independent television production sector.